
Sunday, July 31, 2011

Girls Taking Over the World Signing!!

Hey everyone so many of you may have already heard that there is an author tour called "Girls Taking Over the World" that will be touring the Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, and Kentucky area. It will be featuring authors Lara Zielin, Rhonda Stapleton, Christine Johnson, and Saundra Mitchell, along with a few guest authors. For more information click here.

The reason i am telling you this is to not only inform you, but to also let you know which day i will be in attendance in case there is anyone else going the same day and then we can finally meet =D The one i am going to is...

Booktalk & Signing
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Special Guest: Aimee Carter
Barnes & Noble Livonia
17111 Haggerty Rd.
Northville, MI 48167

There is only 1 other one in michigan, but 4 other dates and locations. To find out the other ones see the website linked above. If you are going to this one and want to meet up, let me know =D it would be so fun to see a face behind a blog name. 

Hope to see you there!!