Today i have Nuayma Jeggels, the Author of "Raven", an Epic Fantasy novel WITH zombies. She very kindly emailed me about doing a giveaway with her and after reading her book's description i had to say yes. I hope you enjoy her guest post, its really good, and good luck to all who enter the giveaway!
- Enjoy

Resident Evil 2.
It was the first zombie game I had ever seen. I wasn’t attending high school at the time, so I was probably eleven or twelve, and boy did it leave an impression! The moaning and groaning, the sudden attacks. I remember sitting on the couch, enjoying the experience in a hiding-behind-my-pillow way. Wide-eyed and jumping at every unexpected sound (my brothers and their friend were doing the same, thank you very much!).
But it wasn’t awful even though the mummies and daddies were chomping on legs and arms and I imagined myself hacking and slashing at the vile monsters, saving the innocent and protecting the weak, and all that jazz. Was that normal? Was that creepy? “Who cares!” I would have probably said in my little girl’s voice (which hasn’t changed, at all. And I’m twenty-three now). “I’m a hero!”
Then I fell in love with a different hero: Tolkien. Yes, zombies and Tolkien; a strange combination. I knew about the Lord of the Rings at the time, but the first movie made my large eyes even larger, to be big enough for the sudden inflow of visions and ideas that that theatre screen had given me. And. I. Knew. I wanted to write epic fantasy; an epic task, to tell you the truth. A new world, new people, new history … so I wrote, and wrote, and wrote. Somehow zombies snuck into the picture. How? Well, I’m sitting in my room, pursing my lips and staring out of the window (after typing this sentence, that is), and I wonder: how did that happen? No idea! But, as my white-haired, violet-eyed main character would say, “There is a reason behind everything,isn’t there?”
So, zombies and epic fantasy. Who knew?
Now onto the contest! The contest is International and is for the chance for three winners to win a copy of Nuayma's novel, Raven. Read the description of the book, the rules, and enter =D
A girl, a coma, a Plague, and an empty grave.
When Shardaie wakes up, she doesn’t know who she is, why she can’t understand emotions, why she has been unconscious for nearly nine of her thirteen years, or why the dead just won’t stay dead. The only clue to her past is a locket, but the Plague, which finally stretches its unnatural hand to her village, forces her to leave and to learn to protect herself. But everything has a cost: the protection against the undead reveals a secret that Shardaie and her classmates just don’t want to accept, and at the end, Shardaie realises that some secrets shouldn’t be revealed. Secrets have the power to destroy, and the power to change her view on humanity for ever.
Raven is the first book in the epic fantasy series.
P.S. There will be zombies, not a lot, but it's not everyone's cup of tea!
- Must be a follower of Book Bite Reviews
- Must be at least 13 years old
- Giveaway ends August 28th at 12:01 AM
- Open Internationally
- One entry per person
- Fill out the form