
Sunday, April 29, 2012


Hi everyone,

It feels so good to finally be done with college for the summer and be able to just focus on you guys! I am so excited to present to you my new layout and blog button all thanks to Ashley!! She is freaking amazing i love the new look! It just so dreamy, i couldn't be happier!! If you haven't already grabbed my button grab it now! It is brand new, again thanks to my Magical Fairy Blog Mother Ashely, and super amazing that now matches my awesome new layout! If you have my old button, that is cool too, it will still work. I made it all by myself so im still proud to rep that one as well =D

If you want to look into Ashley possibly re-doing your blogs layout, button, etc., then you can contact her through Twitter or on her personal blog!


Thanks again Ashley you're the best!! =F