If you could own one thing from steampunk novel or anything steam powered, what would it be? Or, if you don't know what you would like to own what is one thing about steampunk that you love. OR you could go on etsy and find beautiful steampunk creations and send me a link to your favorite one! HOW FUN!!
Last time i answered that i would love to own a steampunk horse and carriage. They are beautiful!!
This time i would say i would still love to won one of those, but i also love the steampunk fashions! I would love to wear big, beautiful gowns, a corset, boots, the beautiful jewelry, cropped pants, etc.,
Now from Etsy i would love to own these items...
I hope you enjoyed what i picked out and i hope you share with me your favorite steampunk items!!
What are your favorite things about/from Steampunk? Will you share? Let me know in the comments below =]