
Sunday, July 8, 2012

The Sunday Post ~ Third Edition

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer. The Sunday Post is a new meme where you can post about the new books you got this past week (books I was asked to bite), or recap what has been happening the past week on your blog (bites you may have missed), or a sneak peek for what is to come (what you can look forward to biting into), or even a final recap of my week (one last parting bite). 

Books I was asked to bite and books I decided to bite this week: 

Considered For Review:

Bites you may have missed this past week:
If you like Melissa De La Cruz then you will (most likely) like these...
Question of the Moment 85
Happy Fourth of July!!
BBReview: Elements by Kate Fuentes
Follow Friday #23
NetGalley Knock Down Goal Post/ Progress
Once Upon a Read-a-Thon Goal Post/ Progress
Winner of "The Never Prayer" E-Book Giveaway 
Hunger Games Poster -- TO. DIE. FOR!

What you can look forward to biting into next week: 
  • Question of the Moment 86
  • BBReview: Soul Seeker By Amy Saia
  • Top Ten Tuesday
  • Question of the Moment 87
  • BBReview: Fated by Alyson Noel (audiobook)
  • Follow Friday #24
  • Sunday Post 

One Last Parting Bite: 
This week has been a very busy one! I really liked the spontaneous Hunger Games Poster post I did, because it felt really nice to just brag about something I liked. I wasn't formal or trying to be professional. I need to remember that this is still a blog and that I started it because I wanted to talk about books with others who love books. Yes, sometimes you need to be professional if you want to be taken seriously and if you want to create a good relationship with current authors and publishers and with future authors and publishers. It doesn't always have to be just reviews. I can have fun and do random posts like the poster post. I think from now on I will also do fun posts. Posts where I just rant about books (that I have bought with my own money, don't want to offend any authors who have graciously given me a book for review. Still gotta be professional lol) and post up cool bookish photos I find and rant about those. That is what a blog is about and I think my followers (you guys out there) will love those a lot. Do you know how many cool bookish things I come across all the time? It is time to blog about those things too. It is time to have fun! Are you excited?

Thanks for checking out my Sunday Post! Hope you check in again next week =D