Well, the Bout of Books Read-A-Thon has come to a close. It is now time to show you my successes and my failures lmao!
My Successes:
- I had a goal to read everyday. NAILED IT!
- I wanted to read right at 12:01am on Monday (the starting day) or as close to the starting time as possible. NAILED IT!
- I had a list of 8 novels and wanted to read at least 6. NAILED IT! Started my sixth novel on the last morning =D
My Failures:
- I had a goal to read 5 hours everyday, for the most part I did plus some, but some days I only read for about 1 or 2. I don't really count this as a failure, because I still read everyday and if you count exact hours I read I think I read well over 5 hours a day, but I didn't count my hours so I can't say I succeeded.
- I wanted to participate in half of the challenges offered which was around 8. I completed 6 and went to complete the 7th, but then it ended and I couldn't fill out the rafflecopter =( It was The Musings of ALMYBNENR super fun word search too. BUMMER!
- I wanted to also participate in a twitter chat, specifically Wednesday's. Totally forgot about it and didn't do it.
- This last goal was HUGE but I thought I could do it... comment on every single participants goal post. Yea I only made it to 50 before I was wore out lol. I have done this goal before, but I started it as soon as the linky went up so as people added themselves I commented, which is WAY EASIER! But this time I didn't so I had 200 blogs staring at me saying "comment! comment!" and it was to intimidating lmao!
Books I ended up reading and will have reviews for:

I had a TON of fun! I think I was honestly a little RAT out, because I did finish one the day this one started so I might have just been pooped when it came to everything else besides reading. Overall though I will definitely participate in another one of these, because this is my favorite RAT!