
Sunday, September 16, 2012

The Sunday Post ~ Thirteenth Edition

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer. The Sunday Post is a new meme where you can post about the new books you got this past week (books I was asked to bite), or recap what has been happening the past week on your blog (bites you may have missed), or a sneak peek for what is to come (what you can look forward to biting into), or even a final recap of your week in general (one last parting bite). 
Books I was asked to bite and books I decided to bite this week: 
Bought for the Kindle:

Bites you may have missed this past week:
Question of the Moment 110
BBReview: "The Lynburn Legacy 1: Unspoken" By Sarah Rees Brennan
BBReview: "Red War 1: Scarlet Spotlight" By J.X. Burros
{Book Spotlight/Interview}"Persistence of Vision" By Liesel K. Hill
Follow Friday #33
What Are You Pinning? #9
BBReview: "A Holloway Pack Story 0.5: Eternal" By J.A. Belfield 
What you can look forward to biting into next week: 
  • Question of the Moment 111 {Monday}
  • Top Ten Tuesday {Tuesday}
  • What Are You Pinning? #10 {Thursday}
  • Follow Friday #34 {Thursday}
  • BBReview: "Day of First Sun" By Sheryl Steines {Friday the latest}
  • Guest Post/Giveaway: "DiSemblance" By Shanae Branham {Sunday}
  • The Sunday Post ~ Fourteenth Edition {Sunday}

One Last Parting Bite:
No books considered for review this week. I did get requests and I did answer yes to some for next year so I am just waiting to hear back on them and then I will share or I am still waiting to get a copy of them to show you that way. The two books that I got for the kindle were FREE and are prequels to Sarah Rees Brennan's newest series. I am so friggen excited to read these!! This weeks posts were shorter than supposed to by two posts. It was my first full week of college courses so I was a tad busy so I had to cut out a review, because I haven't finished reading it yet, and then I couldn't think of anything for Top Ten Tuesday so I just didn't do that this week. This coming up week is a little shorter than usual, because so far I only have one review planned so I hope I end up liking the book lmao. For posts from this past week you NEED to go check out my reviews of Unspoken and Eternal. They are AMAZING! Unspoken is YA and Eternal is Adult =) This coming up week check out my review of Day of First Sun and enter the giveaway for DiSemblance. It has been a pretty busy week with school and all, but so far I am getting A's thats a great thing, right!? The only thing is I am still figuring out how to add reading time into the mix. So far its only weekends I have to read and that isn't cutting it lol. Till next week!

Thanks for checking out my Sunday Post! Hope you check in again next week =D