Book Blogger Confessions is a meme hosted by For What It's Worth and Midnyte Reader that posts the 1st and 3rd Monday of every month, where book bloggers "confess" and vent about blogging/bookish topics. Feel free to share, vent and offer solutions.
Just keep it respectful - no bashing authors or other bloggers!
Author interactions. Have you ever emailed an author to tell them you loved/disliked their book? As a book reviewer, do you think we should cross that line?
Do you mind when authors re-tweet or comment on reviews? Does that intimidate you in any way in regards to review writing, knowing that they may be reading it?
Do author interactions - both pro or con - change how you view their work?
1. Have you ever emailed an author to tell them you loved/disliked their book? As a book reviewer, do you think we should cross that line?
The only time I have emailed an author (other than responding to review requests) is to request info on future ARC's and who the point of contact would be, or to ask for a signed book plate or book mark when they were offering them to fans. I have never wrote a fan letter to an author. I have told them in person how much I love their books, or if we were already talking via email or twitter I would tell them. BUT I don't see a problem with writing fan mail. Authors love hearing how much people love their work, so I would never say just because you are a book blogger you shouldn't write fan mail, because if you are a book blogger then you are a HUGE book fan. I would, however, say that you shouldn't write negative mail to authors, because you are a book blogger. I am not saying don't say negative things, because it's our job to say when we don't like something, and that's fine, but I have a problem with people personally reaching out to authors to just tell them their book sucks. It's one thing to email back an author that you have accepted a review copy from and tell them that unfortunately you didn't like their book, but it's totally different to personally attack someone.
2. Do you mind when authors re-tweet or comment on review? Does that intimidate you in any way in regards to review writing, knowing that they may be reading it?
I don't mind at all when authors re-tweet or comment on reviews. Authors are my hero's, so when they do comment or re-tweet I get all giddy. It does intimidate me a little bit, though. Especially when I first started reviewing. I always had it in my mind that authors were these high level people completely out of reach, almost as if they were REAL gods, but they are real people who read their reviews and read what you say about them. Knowing that they are reading what I say does make me think twice about what I am about to say and definitely makes me re-check my wording to make sure I am not coming off as rude or impolite.
3. Do author interactions - both pro or con - change how you view their work?
Yes! Definitely! How people present themselves, especially when they think no one is looking or that it's not a big deal at the moment, definitely makes me reevaluate them, and whether or not I want to read their book. If someone is super nice, polite, or gracious, I am WAY more willing to give their book a shot over someone who talks bad about others (especially bloggers/reviewers) or acts snobby. It really makes you think twice about who you want to associate yourself with.