Today bestselling author, Sherry Soule has some exciting news to share with us! All the previously published books in the Spellbound series have been rewritten and republished with more epic romance and suspenseful thrills. The new versions also include exclusive bonus material and brand new scenes. Even additional scenes from charming, bad-boy, Trent Donovan’s point-of-view! To help promote the new editions, she is doing this awesome book tour to share the update with fellow booklovers.
This giveaway is open internationally! So let’s tell the blogging world!
Hi everybody, I’m author, Sherry Soule—waving from the SF Bay Area, where it can get pretty foggy. I can’t believe that winter is finally here, and even with the fog burning off by afternoon, I’m cranking the heater and chatting on Twitter about my love of reading.
It’s an honor to be a guest and meet all of these awesome booklovers—like me!
Thus far, my tour has been a blast for me and the readers that participated. It is nice seeing familiar names in the comments at each stop. For those of you who haven’t heard of my super fun blog tour it’s not too late to join!

To celebrate the rerelease of author, Sherry Soule’s epic Spellbound series, take this super fun quiz to see how savvy you are about the books, and score a Kindle or Nook version of the first book in the series, BEAUTIFULLY BROKEN! (Hint: you can most of these answers on the Spellbound Universe blog and Sherry’s blog.)
Now, let’s see how well you think you know this series (even if you’ve never read the books, you can find all the answers online) and be sure to check the bottom of the post for the details regarding this random giveaway.
1. In the Moonlight Mayhem book trailer what is Shiloh’s epic problem?
a. Ferocious wolves
b. Deadly necromancers
c. Shambling zombies
d. Fear of the dark
2. Where did Shiloh and Trent first see each other?
a. At school
b. In the gym
c. Luna Pizza
d. At church
3. What remote coastal town is the series located?
a. Castro Valley
b. Larkspur
c. Madrone Woodlands
d. Whispering Pines
4. Which paranormal(s) tormented Shiloh in the first book?
a. Wraith
b. Shades
c. Shadow People (demon)
d. a, b, and c
5. What is Shiloh’s freakishness?
a. She has a severe limp
b. She is missing an ear
c. She has six toes on her right foot
d. She has a jagged scar on her wrist
6. Which fictional demon hunter(s) does Shiloh must admire?
a. Sam Winchester
b. Salvatore brothers
c. Buffy
d. Charmed Ones
7. What is Shiloh’s heritage?
a. Heritage Witch
b. Half Asian and Half Caucasian
c. Hispanic
d. Half American Indian and half French
8. What type of magick does Shiloh’s mother, Jillian practice?
a. White Magick
b. Voodoo
c. Wiccan
d. Dark Arts
9. What is a Sheol ? (*Hint: Google Sheol for the answer)
a. A ride at Disneyland
b. A town in Marin County
c. A contagious rash
d. A gateway to the Underworld
10. What are Shiloh’s supernatural pet(s)?
a. Phoenix (exotic bird)
b. Siamese cat (familiar)
c. Fairies
d. Shades
11. What type of paranormal is Mrs. Baylock?
a. Vampire
b. Necromancer
c. Witch
d. Ghost
12. Who was the first owner of Ravenhurst Manor? (*Hint: Google Owner of Ravenhurst for the answer)
a. Michele Broussard
b. Wealthy unknown family
c. Maxwell Donavon
d. Rowan Broussard
13. What significance does the number “13” have in the series?
a. Nothing it’s just a stupid number
b. It’s the number of rooms in Ravenhurst Manor
c. It’s the number of times that Shiloh sees a ghost
d. It is part of an ancient prophecy foretelling of a girl who will break a curse
If you answered...
Mostly a's: You need to reread the series ASAP!
Mostly b's: You should become a follower of the Spellbound Universe blog
Mostly c's: You need to recheck your facts, and then retake this quiz
Mostly d's: Congrats! You’re an impressive expert on all things Spellbound!
Random winner will be picked one month from today on DECEMBER 21ST and be posted at the top of this quiz. Please check back on that day to find out if you’re the lucky winner. Your eBook will be delivered via email to download to your e-Reader. (If you're unsure how to, let Sherry know. She'll help you.)
Mandatory giveaway details:
You must comment with your quiz results
Answer every question correctly
Be a follower of the Spellbound Series Universe Blog
Be a follower of this blog
Follow us both on Twitter - @WriterSherry & @BookBiteReviews
Tweet about this giveaway and include link
That's it! Good luck!
Places you can cyberstalk Sherry Soule:

Deadly Witchcraft. Ghostly Threats. Doomed Romance.
They say every town has its secrets, but that doesn’t even begin to describe Fallen Oaks. The townsfolk are a superstitious lot and the mystical disappearance of a local teen has everyone murmuring about a centuries old witch’s curse.
When sixteen-year-old Shiloh Trudell takes a summer job at Craven Manor, she discovers a ghost with an agenda. That’s where she meets the new town hottie, Trent Donovan, and immediately becomes enchanted by his charms.
Finally, Shiloh’s met someone who is supercute and totally into her, but Trent is immersed in the cunning deception that surrounds the mysterious Craven Manor. So much so that he may lose sight of what is truly important to him. And she can’t decide whether she wants to shake him or kiss him. Yet neither one of them can deny the immediate, passionate connection growing between them.
But underlying everything is the fear that Trent may be the next victim on a supernatural hit list, and Shiloh is the only person with the power to save him…
With cryptic messages from a pesky wraith, Shiloh will finally begin to understand the mysterious significance of the strange mark branded on her wrist and decide how much she’s willing to sacrifice to protect the other teenagers in town.
Unfortunately, for Shiloh, not all ghosts want help crossing over. Some want vengeance.
ISBN: 978-0976180425