My Initial Goals:
I want to read 3 review books and 2 pleasure books.
I want to participate in one of the twitter chats! This is always one of my goals, every time, but I have only participated once. This time I'm doing it for sure!
I want to read every day.
What Ended Up Happening:
I read 6 books (3 manuscripts for my internship and 3 review books) with a total of 772 pages being read this week!
I did not get to participate in a twitter chat. I am so disappointed, but I will continue to make this a goal until I accomplish it, lol.
I did not read everyday, but I read 5 out of 7 days, which isn't bad at all.
Overall, I am very proud of my progress. I got a LOT of reading done and I am super thankful for that. I absolutely enjoyed being a part of this R-A-T and will be looking forward to the next one =D