I have finally recouped from this year's Book Expo America! I had such an amazing time and I came home with lots of goodies. I didn't take as many photos as I would have liked, but I still took a sufficient amount.
I arrived in New York on Wednesday morning. Our GPS gave us the wrong directions so I ended up in Brooklyn, but I at least got some nice photos out of the mix up...

When we finally got to our hotel it was very nice! Through our window was this really neat building with all this awesome art work on the side...

Then it was time to get ready for the first day of BEA. My mom and I made t-shirts for my blog...

When we arrived at the javits center I saw this awesome ad for Lee Child, my fiance's favorite author. I love the giant ads that are displayed during BEA.

Once inside BEA was very different compared to years past. The first day was very calm, organized, and slow. I absolutely loved that vibe, but it was just very eery since I am used to craziness. I think the calm atmosphere threw me off, because the only photo I got that day was this one of Amy Ewing and her awesome hair!

Once we got back to the hotel we decided to do some sightseeing since it's the last year BEA will be in New York before moving to Chicago next year. Our hotel was right behind Time Square so I was lucky enough to get a photo of the Naked Cowboy...

Next, we went to the New York Public Library. I have always wanted to go inside and this time I finally got there when it was still open...

The next stop was Madame Tussaud's. I have always wanted to go there. It was so creepy, but so awesome.

It was such a great first day. It was so tiring, but so awesome!
Now, it was time for day 2...

I had to be there at 6am to get in line for the ticketed authors. I got tickets for Ellen Datlow and Gregory Maguire.

There was an awesome peanuts ad today...

Here's how the booth's are set up inside...

Thankfully, I took some more photos today, but still not nearly enough. Here is Diana Nyad, the woman who swam to Cuba. She signed a poster for me...
Next was Lee Child! I was first in his line for my fiance. He was so nice and my fiance was THRILLED...
I also got to meet Nicole Polizzi (A.K.A. Snooki). She was so awesome! She thanked everyone for waiting in line since she was late due to traffic. She took photos with everyone and was just all around awesome!
BONUS: Gay Joey was there and was willing to take photos too!
On day 2 after BEA, we decided to go to Obscura Antiques, Strand bookstore, and the courthouse that is always featured on Law&Order: SVU (mine and my moms favorite show)! On the way there I always see this awesome office building. I love it...
I didn't take pictures of what I got at Obscura or Strand, but I did get photos of the courthouse...

For those curious...I bought a hoodie, a hand blown black and orange glass spider, and a 100-year-old page from The Divine Comedy at Obscura. At strand I bought a T-shirt and a mug that says, "If you go home with somebody & they don't have books, don't F**K 'em!"
Onto day 3! Again, I didn't take enough photos, but the one's I did take were great! Here is me and Abbi Glines...
I am so happy I got her book "Until Friday Night". It sounds awesome!
Here is Rachel Shane. She was super nice! I met her in line earlier in the day and she was so worried nobody would show up for her debut novel. Just as I told her, her line was huge!
Next, is me and K.A. Tucker! I was so freaking excited to meet her. I love all her books and think she is amazing. I also made sure to tell her too lol.
Last, but certainly not least, is Meg Cabot and I. Just like all the other authors I met, she was awesome! She even signed my personal copy of The Mediator, my all time favorite series by her.
I hope you enjoyed my recap. I wish I would have taken even more photos this year, but I did make sure to take photos of all the authors I haven't met before and was super excited to.
Look for my haul post this coming Sunday and then look out for my BEA 2015 giveaway next week! Will you be attending next year in Chicago? I know I will.