I am so super proud of my progress during Bout of Books 14! Here is my overall progress...
Total number of books read: 5
Total number of pages read: 1,002
Books I read:
I'm really glad that I went into this one "unprepared". I didn't plan out books to read specifically for this read-a-long, I just stuck to my original, ever growing TBR list. I also didn't set up goals, like a certain amount of books I wanted to read, and that made this a lot less stressful. Read-a-thon's should never be stressful, and for some reason I always make them that way. Not this time! My only goal was to read at least a little bit every day. That goal was 100% met, and I am so happy!
I cannot wait for Bout of Books 15! How was you overall progress this time around?