
Wednesday, October 31, 2018

BBReview: "Never Fear the Reaper" by Ashley Pagano

Genre: New Adult - Paranormal/Mystery
Publisher: Inkspell Publishing, LLC
Publishing Date: April 23, 2017
Page Count: 176
Source: Sent for Review
Format: Ebook

Description from
She’s been to the other side and back again . . . But she’s never met anyone like him.
He can see things no one else can . . . But he only sees her.
From the moment he witnesses her do the impossible . . . he is obsessed.

When Chase hires the mysterious ghost exterminator, Ryder, to cleanse his house from a pesky poltergeist he gets way more than he’s paying her for… There’s just something about Ryder that has him mesmerized.
Is it the fact that he’s witnessed her do the unexplainable? Or the fact that she’s absolutely breathtaking? Or perhaps it’s that eerie familiar feeling that they’ve met before, perhaps in another lifetime.
Chase desperately tags along with Ryder on a whirlwind of life threatening adventures in exchange for a few precious moments of alone time with her. With the Grimm Reaper’s Scythe as their defense, Chase developing some supernatural gifts of his own, and an intense crush developing between them what crazy supernatural force will target them next?
I really wanted to like Never Fear the Reaper. I really thought this book would get at least 4 stars from me, because I normally LOVE books about ghost hunting and reapers, but unfortunately this book just didn't do it for me.

Don't get me wrong, this story was definitely interesting. I got about 65% of the way through before I gave up, because I really wanted to like it. I just didn't feel a connection. To anything. The story felt a little flat for me. I wasn't learning enough fast enough. I mean I was over half way through and I still didn't really know what was going on. There is also a scene before I gave up where the police are involved and it was just so unbelievable. Way too far fetched for someone who has not only read and watched a lot about paranormals, but also read and watched a LOT about police and their work. Not to mention having real life experience since most of my family is in law enforcement.

I also couldn't connect with the characters. Chase seems a little too immature for me. I was surprised I got so far in the book, because I usually don't get along too well with male narrators, but he didn't feel extremely masculine so I think that was why I was able to relate a bit more to him. What was more surprising was that I actually liked him more than I liked Ryder. Super strange for me, but she was just so distant and cold. She held way too many secrets for me. I also didn't like her obsessive use of the word "mister". My little sister uses that phrase all the time and it drives me nuts. So, to constantly hear Ryder using it pretty much drove me insane and wrote her off for me immediately.

Even though I related to Chase more in this book, I think I would have liked it a lot more if Ryder was our main character. At least this way I would understand her more and I would have gotten to know all the mysteries she was hiding from Chase by getting her inner monologue. I also would have liked it if we learned more a little more quickly. I felt like the action scenes were rushing by, but I was still left in the dark on what exactly was going on. I also would have really appreciated if the dialogue between the characters was a little more mature and believable. It all just kind of felt too juvenile for me.

I really wanted to like this book, but I just couldn't connect to the storyline or the characters. I was left in the dark for too long and just couldn't take anymore to keep going and find out what exactly was going on. Surprisingly I related more to Chase than Ryder, but I think it was because of how thin Ryder's character seemed. She didn't feel fully developed and I hated her use of "mister". The characters kind of felt too juvenile for me, and although I did appreciate Chase not being overly macho so I could relate to him, it all just didn't feel real.

Rating: ♥ ♥ 2/5

**The books cover, description, and info was all found on Goodreads. A link back has been provided. All other work and ideas are of my own creation. This book was sent to me by YA Bound Book Tours in exchange for an honest review.**